1/4 tsp Kawartha Spice Spicy Caesar Cocktail Mix, or to taste
Pineapple Ghost Pepper Jelly by @suzanneshotstuff, to taste
Extreme Beans
1 celery stalk
1/4 Red Pepper, roughly chopped
Pickled Onions
1 or 2 strips bacon (optional, not shown)
Into 2 separate saucers put 2 Tbsp of lime juice, and 2 Tbsp of Kawartha Spice Spicy Caesar Cocktail Rim. Holding your glass at a 45 degree angle, twirl the outside edge through the lime juice and then through the dry Rim.
For garnish, cook bacon as per package directions, then season and sauté shrimp with Spicy Caesar Cocktail Rime and Ghost Pepper Jelly.
Mix Singers Caesar Drink Mix, vodka, Worcestershire Sauce, and pepper sauce with ice cubes in a shaker.
Pour in cocktail in glass and garnish with shrimp, red peppers, pickled onions on a skewer. Add Extreme Beans and celery stalk to glass.